This page describes how to configure and setup the Nokia E61 Mobile VPN client and Linux Openswan IPSEC gateway to establish an encrypted IPSEC tunnel between the two devices. The procedure described herein should work for other mobile devices equipped with a Nokia Mobile VPN Client as well, especially Symbian S60 3rd edition based mobile phones, like the E61i, N70, N75, but has not been tested.
Legal advice: This page contains links to external internet sites
containing additional information, that might be helpful in the course of
setting up the IPSEC tunnel. I have no influence on the content and disclaim
any responsibilty for the content provided by those external internet sites.
All information on this page is provided as is without any warranty. I am not
responsible or liable for any damage caused by following the steps
described below. If you damage your phone, it is your fault not mine!
For my setup I chose a vanilla Linux with IPSEC support and OpenSwan 2.4.6 from Debian testing. Other kernels, distributions and OpenSwan versions could work as well but have not been tested.
In oder to establish a VPN connection from the Nokia Mobile VPN client, a policy file has to be uploaded to the phone. For some reason, such a policy file cannot be uploaded directly to the phone, but has to be packed into a signed SIS file first. To create such a signed SIS file, you need a developer certificate and two Windows executables from the S60 Platform SDK for Symbian OS for C++ 3rd edition. Luckily those two Windows executables and the Windows executable to create the developer certificate run happily using Wine under Linux.
The S60 Platform SDK for Symbian OS for C++ 3rd edition is available from -> Tools & SDKs -> C++ for Symbian OS Tools and SDKs -> S60 Platform for Symbian OS -> 3rd Edition. To unpack the SDK under Linux follow the instructions on Rudolf Königs page.
A free developer cetificate and the Windows executable to create such a certificate is available from Follow the steps on this site to obtain a valid developer certificate. Afterwards you should have a .key and a corresponding .cer file which are later required to sign the SIS file containing the VPN policy file.
Note: Free developer certificates are no longer available from However, if you have an expired certificate for your phone, you can switch back the date of the phone, so that it is within the validity period of the certificate, to install new VPN policys or software with the expired certificate.
Before you start configuration, you should collect the following information, which are required during the configuration process. The actual values are replaced by the following placeholders in the example configuration files below:
<group name>: Group name for IKE phase 1. This value is ignored by the current OpenSwan configuration.
<group password>: Group password for IKE phase 1. Choose a good password for this parameter and keep it secret as it is the only thing needed to know to get access to your internal network if you do not use XAUTH authentication.
<strlen(group password)>: Length of group password
<external gateway>: External static IP address of the OpenSwan gateway. This address is used for authentication and encrypted data exchange.
<internal gateway>: Internal IP address of the OpenSwan gateway. This address is used when sending packets from the VPN gateway through the VPN tunnel to the client.
<internal client>: Internal IP address assigned to the VPN client. This address is used by the client when sending packets through the VPN tunnel.
<key password>: The password of your developer key from
On Debian there are 3 files that have to be edited or created in order to configure OpenSwan as a VPN gateway for the Nokia Mobile VPN client.
Add a wildcard PSK (Pre-Shared Key) entry to your ipsec.secrets file. Afterwards your ipsec.secrets file should look like this:
: PSK "<group password>"
Add an include directive to the ipsec.conf configuration file. The included file contains the actual configuration for the newly created connection to the Mobile VPN client. Afterwards your ipsec.conf should look like this:
version 2.0 config setup nat_traversal=yes nhelpers=0 #plutodebug=all # Add connections here #Disable Opportunistic Encryption include /etc/ipsec.d/examples/no_oe.conf include /etc/ipsec.d/examples/e61.conf
Create a file named e61.conf for the connection parameters with the following contents:
conn E61 # Key exchange ike=aes256-sha1-modp1536 # Data exchange esp=aes256-sha1 # Authentication method PSK authby=secret auto=add keyingtries=3 rekey=no pfs=no # Modeconfig setting modecfgpull=yes # local endpoint left=<external gateway> leftxauthserver=yes leftmodecfgserver=yes leftsourceip=<internal gateway> leftsubnet= # remote endpoint right=%any rightxauthclient=yes rightmodecfgclient=yes rightsourceip=<internal client> rightsubnet=<internal client>/32
If you set leftxauthserver and rightxauthclient to no, XAUTH authentication will be disabled. Disabling XAUTH authentication might be helpful, if you experience problems during VPN setup, but should not be disabled in production use for security reasons.
The Nokia Mobile VPN client is configured by the policy file VPN.pol shown below, that has to be uploaded to the phone in a signed SIS file.
In order to create a signed SIS file, two additional files are required. The file contains some (useless) meta information about the policy file, but is required and the VPN.pkg file, which describes the contents of the SIS file. Important: All 3 files have to be created with DOS line delimiters (in vi use: set ff=dos), otherwise the tools or the VPN will not work correctly.
SECURITY_FILE_VERSION: 3 [INFO] VPN [POLICY] sa ipsec_1 = { esp encrypt_alg 12 max_encrypt_bits 256 auth_alg 3 identity_remote src_specific hard_lifetime_bytes 0 hard_lifetime_addtime 3600 hard_lifetime_usetime 3600 soft_lifetime_bytes 0 soft_lifetime_addtime 3600 soft_lifetime_usetime 3600 } remote = { ipsec_1(<external gateway>) } inbound = { } outbound = { } [IKE] ADDR: <external gateway> MODE: MAIN SEND_NOTIFICATION: TRUE ID_TYPE: 11 FQDN: <group name> GROUP_DESCRIPTION_II: MODP_1536 USE_COMMIT: FALSE IPSEC_EXPIRE: FALSE SEND_CERT: FALSE INITIAL_CONTACT: FALSE RESPONDER_LIFETIME: TRUE REPLAY_STATUS: TRUE USE_INTERNAL_ADDR: FALSE USE_NAT_PROBE: FALSE ESP_UDP_PORT: 0 NAT_KEEPALIVE: 60 USE_XAUTH: TRUE USE_MODE_CFG: TRUE REKEYING_THRESHOLD: 90 PROPOSALS: 1 ENC_ALG: AES256-CBC AUTH_METHOD: PRE-SHARED HASH_ALG: SHA1 GROUP_DESCRIPTION: MODP_1536 GROUP_TYPE: DEFAULT LIFETIME_KBYTES: 0 LIFETIME_SECONDS: 28800 PRF: NONE PRESHARED_KEYS: FORMAT: STRING_FORMAT KEY: <strlen(group password)> <group password>
If you want to disable XAUTH authentication set USE_XAUTH to FALSE and modify the e61.conf file on the VPN gateway accordingly.
; ; A VPN POLICY PACKAGE ; %{"VPN"} :"VPN" &EN ; - None (English only by default) ; INSTALLATION HEADER ; - Only one component name is needed to support English only ; - UID is the UID of the VPN Policy Installer application #{"VPN"},(0x3D08B4F7),1,0,0,TYPE = SA ; LIST OF FILES ; Policy file "VPN.pol"-"C:\System\Data\Security\Install\VPN.pol" ; Policy-information file ; - NOTE: The policy-information file MUST be the last file in this ; list! ; - FM (FILEMIME) passes the file to the respective MIME handler ; (in this case, the VPN Policy Installer ; application). ""-"C:\System\Data\Security\Install\", FM, "application/x-ipsec-policy-info" ; REQUIRED FILES ; - The VPN Policy Installer application (0x3D08B4F7), 1, 0, 0, {"VPN Policy Installer"}
Note: The two absolute paths are paths on the phone and must not be modified.
The unsigned SIS file is created by the makesis.exe utility. With the VPN.pol, and VPN.pkg file in the current working directory the makesis utility must be invoked as follows:
makesis.exe VPN.pkg VPN.sis
Afterwards you should have a VPN.sis file in your current working directory.
The SIS file created in the last step is still unsigned and has to be signed to be accepted by the phone. The SIS file is signed using the signsis.exe utility. It is invoked as follows, assuming the previously created SIS file and the VPN.key and VPN.cer file from are all located in the current working directory:
signsis.exe VPN.sis VPN.sisx VPN.cer VPN.key <key password>
Afterwards you should have a signed SIS file called VPN.sisx in your current working directory, which can be uploaded to your phone.
Before you start configuring the Nokia Mobile VPN client, you have to upload the signed SIS file created in the previous step to the phone. This can be done using an USB cable, infrared or Bluetooth or you can download the file from a web site. During installation of the policy file, you might get several warnings regarding the developer cerificate and phone incompatibilities, ignore and confirm all of them. After the installation completes the policy should be listed under VPN policies in the phone.
To create a new VPN connection configuration navigate to Menu -> Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> VPN -> VPN management -> VPN policies, highlight a policy and select Options -> Define VPN access point. Configure the connection by specifiying a name, a policy and an internet access point.
You should now be able to use the VPN connection like any other connection. If you have not disabled XAUTH authentication, you are asked for a username and password on connection setup. Enter a valid system user and password of the VPN gateway. That's it! You should now be connected to your VPN.
During connection setup the VPN client obtains IP address, netmask and DNS
settings from the VPN gateway, there is no way to modify those parameters on
the phone.
In OpenSwan 2.4.6 there is no (easy) way to configure the DNS servers to
be used by the VPN client. DNS servers can only be set using PAM environment
variables, which are only available when XAUTH is enabled.
To circumvent this shortcoming I have created a small patch against OpenSwan 2.4.6, which allows setting DNS servers using ordinary environment variables. If you set the environment variables DNS1 and DNS2 before you start OpenSwan, those parameters are transmitted to the VPN client as the primary and secondary DNS server. The patch is available here: openswan-2.4.6.diff
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